Dck Area :: Dereckson Personal Space
Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson. Developer, Wikipedian, FreeBSD contributor, urban community creator, hackerspace founder, projects catalyst.
An Open lab dedicated to development, electronics, robotics & digital arts.

Current work

MediaWiki development / Wikimedia Operations

The code and the infrastructure for the Wikipedia projects.
Relevant links: code reviewbugs I take care oflast code contributions

Obsidian Workspaces

PHP / Workspaces environment, project manager and customers panel.
Relevant link: community preview

FreeBSD ports

Komodo IDE - Clustered/Stacked Filled Bar Graph Generator - Diaspora
Relevant link: ports I maintain


PHP/AJAX development sandbox and digital arts experimentation project.
Relevant links: alphacode repositoryfeatures tour

Zed, it’s a mix between a gallery, a place to meet new and existing friends, with some RPG inspiration. The concept is to have each information stored at physical places in a virtual world, like the 80s cyberspace vision. Another goal is to build a community sharing values like cooperation, freedom, ethic.